Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Next Tea Party sketch...

It's my turn again to host the smARTworks Tea Party! My theme is a little bit random, but I'll throw it out there anyway. This is the calendar that hangs on the back of my office door. It was a freebie from the new eye clinic in town. The bonsai - I like. I get it. We're in Asia. Makes sense. So what is this thing?

I have been staring at it for weeks, trying to figure it out. It looks like a disk envelope...but what does it have to do with eyes? I dunno.
BUT...I have also been looking at it thinking..."Hmmm...that would make an interesting card sketch..."...and that is what the challenge is for Tea Party #20. Flip it, turn it as you wish...but please play along with us using this image as your card layout!

post signature

1 comment:

  1. Okay, so I was posting tonight and kept coming back to your blog for details....and then I saw the name of the optical company...Murni....perhaps the white area is a letter M.... and maybe the little red circle is the O for optical....or something related to the word Murni (not sure if it is a name or something else). Anyway, back to my blog...but I thought I'd share my thoughts :-)
