Thursday, June 06, 2019

Impression Obsession DT Challenge: I'll Drink to That

The Impression Obsession team's challenge today is to create a project featuring any kind of beverage. Here is the coffee card I hinted at yesterday! You can find the instructions here.

Coffee To Go clear set
Coffee To Go die set
 Rectangle 6-in-1 Frames die
Stitched Tag die set

To create the look of coffee, I have some hair gel in my ziploc pouch, Sepia Color Burst, and a couple of drops of white gesso. I pushed the gesso around a little, but not to a point that it mixed completely. I love that it looks like swirling creamer.

The stencil on my base panel is my new favorite from A Colorful Life Designs - I love how those rays say tadaaaaaaaa and pull the focus in to the center. 

Be sure to check out the other designers' blogs for inspiration, and remember you can enter these challenges too, using your Impression Obsession stamps! See the I.O. blog for all the details - you might even win a $25 gift certificate!! We'd love to have you join us.
Thanks for stopping by!


  1. This looks good enough to drink! LOL A SUPER JOB on this Dina!!! It's been awhile since I've seen this technique! A SUPER JOB!!!!!!! ;)<3

  2. Thanks for sharing a really fun technique. Love the card!

  3. You are so creative! This is total perfection! Thanks for the inspiration, Dina!
