Monday, May 26, 2008

Stamping Sister

I had the privilege this weekend to spend some time with one of my pretend stamping friends, Diane from Diane's Designs! It was so special to be able to meet her, to be able to enjoy the sisterhood we had already in Christ, talk about our love of stamping, and realize a friendship that has been growing over the last few months through emails and blogging. Who knew? Sorry we never got a picture taken to prove it...but thank God for CSSC's!

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  1. That is soo cool!!
    I think it would be neat to mee EITHER of you!!


  2. We are gonna have one Heavenly introduction :)

  3. Hi, Dina!
    It was REALLY cool from my end of things! You and Russ blessed us so much. You've been on my mind and in my prayers so much since you left. We will continue....

    Love the "heavenly introduction" above...WOW! It is not going to be totally awesome! Sisters from everywhere...then suddenly ALL TOGETHER! Gulp!
