Sunday, August 01, 2010

Don't worry...

Here's a set I did the artwork for that's just been released by Our Daily Bread designs - the butterfly is an honest-to-goodness Javanese butterfly - here's my original photo. The floral image is from a vintage botanical illustration of a chicory sprig. I so need these reminders today!

Thanks so much for stopping by!


  1. Dina! Thanks again for creating such a gorgeous set to work with! I is so beautiful!!!!

  2. Love this!!! I think we all spend way too much time worrying about things we have no control over.

  3. FABULOUS Dina!! Your talent knows no bounds!

  4. Another beautiful set, Dina! It strikes me as admirable and a blessing to SO many how you use your God given talents to glorify Him.

  5. Dina I just love this set! I made it in blue first and have one coming Sun. in pink... oops did I say that?? Thanks for showing the real deal on the butterly! Just a gorgeous photo and I just love the sentiments in this set! Hugs!

  6. it's a beautiful set Dina! love it!
